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My name is Tanesha and I am the founder of OurStory (As Told By Our Ancestors). OurStory is an online bookstore comprised of books written by Black authors, intended for all audiences.  Why have a bookstore consisting of solely Black authors ? Simple. Respect, Gratitude, and Greatness! 


"Respect" because of the lack of information of our story. Most people only acknowledge the enslavement of black people & immediately after but there’s so much more! The lack of understanding attributes to the lack of respect. 


“Gratitude"... when we appreciate someone, we give them recognition and enjoy their beautiful qualities. Much of OurStory, has been under appreciated. For many years our beauty, creativity, strength and many more talents have been hidden or unrecognized. OurStory will bring these gifts to light for the whole world to see! 


“Greatness!" From the Great Pyramids of Giza, to the Great Pyramid of Cholula and in between we have made our mark! Whether you believe we had “help” or not, the Greatness in these structures is undeniable! But it doesn’t stop there. We can’t forget about the inventors who made today’s life a little easier. People like Charles Drew, who developed the first large scale blood banks, plasma programs, and “blood mobiles” to safely transport blood. Philip Emeagwali, also known as the Bill Gates of Africa, who created the world’s first super computer which is able to perform 3.1 billion calculations per second.  We can talk about Greatness all day. OurStory is endless and there is much more to behold!  


As you can see, Respect, Gratitude, and Greatness goes a long way! Now I’d like to invite you to relax, drink a cup of tea and read through chapters full of adventure, creativity, emotions, and lessons learned! Thank you for opening your heart to our ancestors as they tell OurStory. 

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