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Dreams: The Roadmap to personal growth and healing 

One rainy Sunday when I was just a child, I was sitting next to my father in a church pew. On that particular Sunday, there was a guest speaker. He was referred to as a prophet, there to speak or impart God”s word to the children. To tell them, personally, God’s plans for them. One by one, boys and girls stood in line, waiting for the word of God to be spoken from the prophet. 

“God said you will be a beautiful dancer…. you - a teacher…. and you, a businessman….” Said the man, with a heavy pause after each proclamation. I watched, as the line grew shorter and shorter. 

“Daddy, can I go up there?” My curious eyes big and imploring. He said yes, and I ran to join the other children in the line. Now, I already KNEW what the prophet was going to say: I was going to be a singer. I loved Whitney Houston, and I would hit all of the notes, while my dad would cheer me on “Sing it baby” he would say. So of course, the prophet would tell me that God had great plans for me (and possibly a duet with Whitney).

I stood in front of him, on my tip toes, nice and tall (I wanted him to see me). He gazed down at me, placed his hand under my chin and tilted my waiting face up towards the sky. He frowned a little, “God is working on you.” He proclaimed.

Wait! What?! I respectfully went back to my seat, my disappointment difficult to hide, as my face has always spoken before my mouth opened. My dad hugged me as I asked, “Daddy, what does that mean?” He smiled softly, and said “ it means God’s working on you Eesh” I don’t know why he thought this answer would molify me *insert eyeroll* but the subject was dropped. 

Fast forward thirty years. I have gone through my fair share of experiences and moments that can only be referred to as “God working on me”. In this growth process, I have become very leery of others telling/predicting my future, learned from their visions or dreams or wanderings. We have all experienced those moments where we see someone we haven’t seen for a while, and they say: ‘I had a dream about you’ or ‘don’t let me forget to tell you’ or if was just thinking about you’ …..this usually continues on to their proclamation of what will happen to YOU! My thought? ‘Humble yourself, proclaiming people. Your dreams are for YOU. Mine are for me. YOU ARE THE PROPHET OF YOUR OWN DESTINY!”

Your subconscious knows more about you, than even you do. When you dream about someone or something, your subconscious is leaving you clues, or ‘breadcrumbs’ for you to follow in order to receive a message. Pay attention! Pay attention to the details of the dream: where you are, how you feel, colors, smells, numbers, symbols. Suggestion: often times we only really remember the details immediately after waking up, and then as the day goes on forget bits and pieces. So keep a journal beside your bed and jot your dream down as soon as you wake up.

In our dreams, there are many symbols. For example, a house can represent your body, each room serving a specific purpose. Do you entertain others in that room (reflection of how others see you)? Or is it private, like a bedroom, where only you know what goes on behind closed doors (private struggles, can be internal)? Are you walking up a flight of steps (growth) or are you descending? Did someone die in your dream? This is one of the most common dreams, and indicates a change is coming or a situation will be ending. Fish in dreams is associated with fertility, but also self improvement, in the sense of giving life something new in your life. My point? YOUR dreams are the road map to YOUR personal growth and healing, which starts with your subconscious and is translated to dreams. I’ll say it again: pay attention to them! 

You are your own prophet, the master of your destiny, Captain of your ship …. you get my point. Pay attention and remember your dreams, because only YOU can lead yourself to internal growth and healing. 

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