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Professor Me: The Power of Your Words

For two weeks now, my higher self has been trying to get my attention. I hear from her quite frequently actually, she pushes me, encourages me, comforts me. She holds me responsible for the words I speak, for my character, my image; which all should be of one accord. She watches closely how I treat people and she reminds me of my karma. She holds me accountable to my rituals (which keeps me sane): my candles, my incense, my meditation, my self-care. She is a daily presence of encouragement and healing.

However, there are times when she puts the niceties to the side, and demands my attention. I took pause, as none of my routines, at this present moment, are out of place. What was so pressing? Today she decided to enlighten me.

She said: “You are on your journey to wholeness, greatness, and I am proud of you. However, I know you have felt my tug at your heart and mind recently, so I would like to bring something to your attention.

As you know, the WORDS you speak can create or destroy. The power of the tongue, is a great tool if used correctly; it can promote life and healing and goodness. But this same tool, can destroy, cut and end life. No matter who we are, our strength is in what we speak. Elementary lessons taught us how to spell, how to put words together. Grammar, writing, reading … the cornerstone to our building for the future. ‘But what does how I use words, have to do with my future?’ You may ask. With our words, we can create a world of peace, tranquility and understanding, not only for ourselves, but for others. Speak life, Queen. In your own life, in the words you put into the universe. Do not sin against your own self. Do no harm to those you love, to those you do not know, to those who are closest to you. Speak life, Queen.”

WOW! Has anyone felt the tugging of their spirit and just sat and listened to the jewels of wisdom, that have been poured over you? And now that you gained priceless information, whom do you share it with and will that person believe you? How would you feel if they reject you? I am here to say, it doesn’t matter if they believe or not, it is your responsibility to continue on your journey!

Back to the words…. So  how do you speak to yourself? Have you allowed society to mold you into thinking that calling yourself a “Bad Bitch” is a compliment, when really you are so much more than that, Queen. Do you try and own or control insecurities, that you should be disowning? Do you find yourself, whether in frustration or anger, speaking down to your spouse, when in fact you and him are one; to sin against him, is to sin against yourself!

Have you been there? I sat there listening to my spirit, meditating on what she said. It sat heavy on my soul, as I knew I was not living up to her expectations in this arena. So I had to confess, I yelled: “Self Knowledge is the basis of true knowledge” It was in that moment, I understood her counsel: I had to own my faults and my words. I had to get out of my own way, stop sinning against my own heart, stop blocking my blessings. And all of that started with the words that I spoke into the universe. Funny how that works. That true change for us as individuals, starts with OURSELVES. Starts with our inner most thoughts, our spoken words.

But with knowledge gained, there is always a test. I am at my testing phase. I am sure, I am not the only one, feeling this way or encountering this.

I need to continue this growth spurt, I cannot be stagnant…. I have so much in this world to accomplish! So... I get up and I vow to do better. I will apply the knowledge that I’ve been gifted with and I will continue my journey (even when it is not easy, because let’s be real the best journeys are never easy). I feel a change already: my heart is lighter, as I walk in truth, balance, order, law, morality and justice. I speak life and life only. I speak truth. I speak to upbuild, not to tear down. I speak positivity and growth and love.  I vow to no longer use words to offend my spirit but to uplift myself and others around me.

I sleep peacefully every night knowing I have the power to create my future. Do you? Can you change your inner dialogue, your words? Can you alter your future, by changing the way you speak, with the words you choose to use? Let me say this, humbly: If I can, so can you. Everyday is judgment day. So start today! Change your words, for others but also for yourself and your spirit. Join me, as we enter a season of growth, on our journey to a better future.

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