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The Karma Menu: Serving Up What You Deserve

You reap what you sow. You give what you get. Kismet. What goes around comes around, and my favorite: Karma. Well, I prefer to call her Lady Karma. I have been thinking a lot about this powerful, albeit intense, theory of an equal reaction to one’s actions. Lady Karma doesn’t play. She works 24/7/365. No holidays, no overtime pay. Actually, no pay at all. Some say she’s a bitch (she can be) and others wait on her with bated breath, after being done wrong by another. In my humble opinion, she is always more than fair. And definitely not someone I want to cross.

But I have been thinking – is she only watching when we are up to no good? Or does she keep an eye even when we are living our best life? Does she use those “high” moments to teach us valuable lessons? I am screaming: yes! Yes, yes, Yasssssssss! Even when we are in our winning season, reaping the rewards of our hard work, enjoying the blessings that we have rightfully earned – Karma is always watching. She watches how we handle ourselves – are we humble? Are we gracious? Are we kind to others, who may be struggling? Are we grateful? Do we vibrate in love?

Because she is watching; it is an opportunity to plant good and healthy, for a future harvest.

The flip side of that coin (because there always is one!) when we are in our winning season, are we haughty? Do we brag? Do we take the credit, for our success, when really not only were other humans involved but even the great lady Karma? Do we use our blessing to shove it another’s face? Do we have an attitude of entitlement?

Here is a fact of life: Lady Karma is always watching. And how you react and appreciate (or don’t appreciate) your blessings, is setting yourself up for her next round of wrath or blessings. Lady Karma has taught me that how we treat others is a direct reflection of how we are feeling about ourselves and how much we respect ourselves. We are a reflection of each other. She has taught me that she is ALWAYS watching and when we act up, she is there, ready and willing to give us a dose of reality – whether that dose is positive or negative is solely up to us.

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