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When Being Strong is Your Only Option

I think we can all agree 2020 has been a challenging year, to the say the least. We have lost people to a worldwide pandemic, Covid-19. Our neighbors (or we our ourselves) lost jobs. We have watched senseless killings of our black brothers and sisters by law enforcement and ignorant citizens. Our government is dysfunctional and, to be completely blunt, a hot mess. Sex trafficking is not only a major problem within the United States but also worldwide. Honestly, if Godzilla stepped out on Fifth Avenue, I don’t think I would really even be too surprised. The world has turned upside down, no doubt about. But that does not mean that there is not so much to be thankful. For example, families have begun to eat dinner together again; children have learned the real meaning of budgeting. Toilet paper (don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like how some were acting about the toilet paper ha!) and self care has become necessities to survival. This need to survive and budget has caused us to look back to the basic food pyramid looking towards natural remedies, healthy diets. People have learned the true meaning of appreciation: of the elements Earth, Wind and Fire. Going outside and just planting your feet in the earth’s soil (also known as grounding) to absorb it’s energy to sustain yours, has become a portal to exit the confines of the four walls of our houses. Last but not least, ideas have formed out of self preservation and led to an uptick in the creation of new businesses. We cannot wait on a second stimulus check to pay our bills, or hope our government will figure out the debacle of unemployment. We cannot wait for Covid to just up and disappear and life (and our financial resources) to return to normal. So, we have to back to the drawing board, and look for the same money that is providing for those that make the rules. As for me, I was able to maintain my regular job as an essential worker, but still the world was full of uncertainty and who knew how long I would be able to continue working and provide for my family. And so OurStory was born. Or more like, the toddler years of OurStory began. OurStory started a year ago, and was something that not only is close to my heart but also a way I add income to my family. However, with this worldwide pandemic and the uncertainty that surrounded it, I had to take matters into my own hands and push my newborn baby business straight into it’s toddler years. There have been ups and downs, just like that of having a young child. But I can say without a doubt it has been worth it. Owning something that I can pass on to my children, has been one of the greatest joys. Knowing that I am helping to educate the world about black culture, history and legacy silences the, at-times, 3am doubts. I am proud of my business. I stand behind my business. And more importantly I am proving to myself, my children and the world – that I can build something that the world and our culture needs. So please, take a moment to browse through my bookstore, all compiled and hand-picked, of the brilliant black and minority authors of the world. I hope that you will be inspired. I hope your mind will be opened. I hope that OurStory becomes part of your story.  

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